Apologizing To Your Child
Baby Health

Apologizing To Your Child Is Important

Lately, I’ve been searching for podcasts to listen to. Recently I stumbled upon an episode titled, “The Power of Apologizing To Your Kids” by Steve Silvestro, MD. I have apologized to my daughter before but I never really gave thought to how important apologizing to your child actually is. In my experience, focus has been more so on teaching your children to apologize to others. Looking back on my own childhood, I can’t recall many times my parents apologized to me. But what if we actually took the time to apologize to our children? What kind of impact could we make?

Apologizing acknowledges that we are human just like our children.

Up until I was a teenager probably I believed my parents were some kind of special being. I understood they were like me but they were different. They could do no wrong. Even if they may have been wrong, surely there was a completely justifiable reason that would then make them right. Think back to The Wizard of Oz. They were the all knowing, powerful, and perfect being. But as an adult, I know that they are imperfect. I know they make mistakes. I also know that my perception of them as a child maybe wasn’t the greatest. Apologizing to your child shows them that you too are capable of making mistakes. Apologizing shows that you too are human.

Apologizing to your child teaches both of you humility.

I don’t know of many people who like to apologize. Apologizing requires one to admit their wrong and who likes to be wrong? There are days when motherhood sucks and I find myself snapping or getting loud because I am ready to pull my hair out. Does not mean it’s ok. Even though my daughter is one, I make sure to apologize. I choose to humble myself and do the right thing even though I may feel too proud or even embarrassed. Apologizing to our children not only gives us a lesson in humility but can give them one as well.

Apologizing can heal and make relationships stronger.

Sometimes the only thing that someone needs is an apology. Genuinely apologizing to someone can do wonders. By apologizing, we can not only repair relationships but strengthen them. We can trust that someone is going to acknowledge when they’re wrong which can build safety. These are things that children need and apologizing can do just that.


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