laughter in moterhood
Thoughts on Motherhood

Laughter in Motherhood

The saying goes that laughter is the best medicine. In fact, there are many benefits to laughter. Finding out I was pregnant was not funny. Giving birth and becoming a mother in the way I did was scary and daunting. However almost a year and a half later, I have found laughter in motherhood. Even when the day isn’t great, I found laughter almost daily.

You’re not the only mom laughing.

As a child, I didn’t see much comedy regarding motherhood. There were a few television shows but then versus now is completely different. Social media platforms like Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok provide an outlet for moms to share the funny moments of motherhood. I find myself drawn to the female comedians who are sharing their mommy moments too. Not to mention the shows focused on motherhood on Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services. Maybe these women, platforms, and shows have always been there and I never really paid attention. But now that I am, I can’t help but relate. I can’t help but laugh and not feel alone.

Laughter in motherhood makes the days better.

We know that motherhood can at times be exhausting, overwhelming, and stressful. But, we also know it can be joyful, exhilarating, and funny! Today it may not be funny but tomorrow things can change. Laughter doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter. Laughter just may mean it no longer has the power to bring us down. I can’t help but laugh when my daughter makes a funny face, discovers something new, or is playing peek-a-book with me. Sometimes I laugh when she pulls off her diaper, takes all the toilet paper off the roll, or drops a crayon in my coffee. Why? Because she doesn’t have a care in the world. There is a pure joy about a child’s laugh. Her laugh is infectious and brightens even my darkest day. 


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