I have recently decided to date with purpose in hopes of finding my happily ever after. Dating as a single mom is very different from dating as just as single woman. One of the first things I have learned is that getting dressed up to be letdown is by far one of the worst things you can do to me. Allow me to explain.
Do you know how hard it is to arrange time for a date?
If I were just a single woman the only person I have to worry about is me. I wouldn’t need to call for a babysitter. There would be no need to ask a family member or friend to do me the favor of watching my child. Coordinating with the schedules of others in advance would be unnecessary. If I were just a single woman I could just say yes or rearrange my schedule to say yes and be out the door. But I am a single mom so I have to do this. Because I like you enough to go on a date with you I do this.
Why on earth would I get dressed up to be letdown?
The answer is I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t get out of my comfy bra and sweats if I didn’t have intention to go on a date. There would be no frantic five minute shower while my child watches Bluey so I can be acceptably presentable if I thought there would be no date. I would not miss the opportunity to lounge in my home peacefully if I knew there was no date.
The dating journey continues but…
Being a single mom dating is hard enough. I can live with rejection. I’ll even get over you cancelling last minute. What I am asking is that you don’t cancel last minute. Don’t have me shimmy into a little black dress for nothing. Let me stay home in my comfy bra and pjs in peace. Is that too much to ask?