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In my post, Ask How Mom Is Doing Too I expressed how meaningful asking moms about their well-being is. Just as meaningful is helping out moms, especially those with newborns. I was exhausted after giving birth. My priority was caring for my newborn and I barely had energy to do that! Thankfully, my significant other, friends, and family have been helpful in so many ways. Here are some of my favorite ways people have helped me when my daughter was just a newborn.
How to Help A Mom With A Newborn
Give her a care package
- Whether you create your own or buy one care packages are a classic way to help a mom with a newborn. Fill it with candy, candles, tea, lactation cookies, snacks, and whatever else a mom may need and want. Make it completely for moms and bring a smile to their face!
Give her food gift cards
- When I received money or gift cards to stores I often spent it on my newborn rather than myself. So I started asking for food gift cards instead. Newborns can’t eat restaurant food which meant I had to spend it on myself. Also, it meant I didn’t have to cook. Ask moms what restaurants they like or food delivery services they use then sprinkle them with some no cooking love!
Bring her food, no cooking required
- Drop off some take-out. Bring some homemade casseroles. Give them some heat & serve meals. No matter how you do, just make sure the prep is done and they only thing they may need is an oven or microwave.
Help complete her household tasks
- It doesn’t matter if the task is big or small, tackling a mom’s household to-do list is always appreciated. Take out the trash, vacuum, take their dog for a walk, wash baby bottles, fill up baby bottles, organize baby closet, etc. The possibilities are endless and the appreciation is priceless.
Run errands for her
- Moms should be resting after giving birth! If she needs her gas tank filled, fill it for her. Does she need pads or diapers? Grab them up for her. Is she in need of groceries? Pick them up for her.
Be her babysitter
- It could be their first child or their third child. Doesn’t matter if they’re a single mom or have a significant other. Newborns, infants, toddlers, children, etc. can be challenging after giving birth! Even 30 minutes of babysitting goes a long way. Picking up or dropping off wherever their kids need to go can be impactful. The time you spend babysitting is time they can use to nap, shower, or just veg out with Netflix.
Drive her around
- When moms need to go out, let them relax while you drive. If they’re taking their newborn too, handle the diaper bag, stroller and car seat for them.
Keep up the socialization
- Often people think that after having a baby, moms just want to be alone with their family. This could not be further from the truth. Motherhood can be lonely. Make time to socialize through visits, going out, phone calls, video calls, and however else you do it. Ask how she’s doing and work your way from there.
Helping a mom no matter what you choose makes a mom’s day and her life just a tiny bit easier.