tote bags for moms
Favorite Things

For the Love of Tote Bags



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There are very few things I splurge on in life. A handbag is definitely one of them. Nowadays there’s not a lot of splurging or use for a handbag. My handbags could barely fit my keys, sunglasses, and phone. My handbags aren’t made for breast milk spills or baby drool. Motherhood meant that I needed bags that were practical and durable. I need a bag to carry that isn’t as formal as a handbag but isn’t my diaper bag . I need bags that are still cute but I won’t be upset if they got dirty. They needed to be able to fit my necessities and sometimes my daughter’s things. I wasn’t looking to break the bank either.

Cue the tote bags!

tote bagstote bags

Tote bags are a god-send to me. I take them and use them almost everywhere. Gym, grocery store, day in the park. If I don’t feel like carrying my diaper bag or it’s just a casual solo adventure I take a tote bag. I can just throw in whatever I need without really thinking about it. I can usually grab one without thinking about how it will coordinate with my look.

 They come in all different sizes. They’re not fussy and I don’t feel bad when they get dirty because I either spot clean or toss them in the wash machine. I prefer a canvas tote but there are so many materials offering that different benefits like water-resistance or insulation. Some have zippers and most have pockets if you have the time to be a bit organized. Unless you’re looking for a designer tote most tote bags are easily under $25. There are so many styles, colors, and tote quotes to choose from! As a new mommy I can confidently say: YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY TOTE BAGS.


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