What To Do When Baby Gets Sick
Baby Health

What To Do When Baby Gets Sick

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A few weeks ago my little one was sick. It was a few scary days but my little one is once again in good health.

While I am no expert I do have some insight on what to do when baby gets sick.

Create a baby sick kit and keep it handy.

I did not have one handy when my daughter got sick. Looking back, it would have came in handy and once she was feeling better I immediately created one. It’s a box that contains Pedialyte, a thermometer, hand sanitizer, baby hand/face wipes, and baby Tylenol. I am sure that as I encounter other ailments aside from a fever, I will add more. Having this now, makes me feel a bit more prepared for the next time.

Recognize the symptoms that warrant a trip to the doctor or (if necessary) an ER.

Fevers, flu, colds, upset stomachs, etc. are going to happen. It’s important to recognize the symptoms of your little one’s ailments. Runny and stuffy nose? It may be a cold. But if it is causing difficulty in breathing, you may need a doctor. Fevers don’t always warrant a trip to a doctor or hospital. Mayo Clinic provides helpful information that can help you know what symptoms to look for when your baby gets sick.

Give your baby plenty of food, fluids, and rest.

Babies just like their parents need plenty of food, fluids, and rest! While your little one may not eat, drink, or nap on their usual schedule they should be able to still do all three! Most children over one are able to drink water and Pedialyte. While you want your child to rest, you want to make sure it’s not difficult to wake up or sleeping too much. Look out for decreases in appetite, vomiting, dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. All these things are potential signs that you may need to seek medical attention.

Do your best to stay calm and care for yourself.

It was terrifying for me when my daughter got sick for the first time. I did not take care of myself as I should have. By the time she was feeling better I was 100% rundown and wore out. Which meant that with her feeling better and me feeling not so great it felt like playing catch up. Remember to take care of you when your baby is sick. Rest when they rest. Lean on others if you can to help keep a level of calm. Take care of you so you can take care of your little one.

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